To place an order, simply click on an item, select the size and press ‘Add to Bag’. If you know the item number, you can enter this into the search box. You can also browse our categories using the drop down menus at the top of the page.
Once you have finished shopping, just select ‘Go to Checkout’ from your shopping bag.
You can then choose your method of payment, your delivery address and complete your order. We will send an email confirmation to your registered email address once the order has gone through. Please allow up to 1 hour to receive the email and remember to check your junk and spam folder too!
The billing address of your credit or debit card must match your billing address on your Next account.
If you don’t have a Next account, don’t worry, you can create one at the checkout. Alternatively you can checkout as a Guest.
If you’d like to place your order by phone then please give us a call. Our opening hours can be found here. Please note we can only take orders over the phone if you’re paying by credit or debit card.