I want to return my items. How can I do this?
New! We've made returning an item even easier! You no longer need to send your returns back to the UK. You can return your item to your nearest Israel Post Office and leave the hard work to us! We will deduct 25 ILS from your refund, so there's no need to pay upfront to return! Find out how below.
- Please log onto the Returns Portal via https://wnreturns.com/next/en/
- Follow the steps in the Returns Portal to create your returns address label. You will need your returns reference number to complete this (this can be found on your returns note found inside the parcel).
- Once completed, print your returns label and attach the return label to the outside of the parcel, making sure that the original label is not visible anymore.
- To allow us to process your returns successfully, simply tick the items being returned on the next page. Please ensure you include both your items and returns note inside the parcel.
- Take your return to your nearest Israel Post Office.
- 25 ILS will be deducted from your refund for using this service.
- Please keep a copy of your returns reference number until you receive your refund.